Grillo Health Information Center - Free access to the latest health information
It is important that we receive donations!

If you feel this service is as important as we do, please take a moment to make a secure donation.

Just click on the button below.

How about making the Grillo Health Information Center one of your monthly budget items of $25. It can be automatic through our online payment system.

Or, you can write a check made out to:

Or Click Here for our Word Document Donation Form.

Thank you for taking the time, and for supporting our important work in the community. We appreciate it!
Johnny Daurio, CEO

Will or Estate Gifts

Some contributors prefer to make a contribution in their will or estate. This is a great way to honor your legacy, and can be easily done by contacting your attorney and ask to include the Grillo Health Information Center in your will. Please then contact us and if possible, send a copy of the portion of your will indicating your contribution to the Grillo Health Information Center. This type of contribution helps the Grillo Health Information Center with lasting, sustainable support for years to come to ensure we can help individuals and families struggling with health issues, illness, and disease.